transformational leadership coach

Working with Millennials

Working With Millennials


Marc Robertson is the author of the acclaimed management book “Working with Millennials,” which explores Millennials’ thirst for engagement, desire to be part of a team and need to focus on meaningful tasks that help them develop. The book guides executives in transformational leadership techniques that bridge the generational gaps between employees and management to build successful work environments.
‘Working with Millennials’ has a 4.7 out of 5 stars rating on Amazon.

management book 'Working with Millennials'
Addressing a timely issue for any leader today.  “Working with millennials” is about how to manage Millennials effectively without alienating them or making them feel like they’re being judged by their generation’s values.
The book is a guide for managers seeking to become leaders of multi-generational organizations. It provides insights on how to lead with authenticity, empathy, and compassion.
Millennials are more likely to work with technology than previous generations, and they have different expectations of how they should be treated. To bridge these gaps, it is important for leaders to be able to understand their employees’ needs. 
Marc has made a career out of bridging generational gaps through coaching and has helped numerous executives achieve a better understanding of themselves and their employees to become more effective leaders.