Why Would Our Company Need A Transformational Leadership Coach

The one constant in virtually every business success story is that there is a trusted executive or group of executives who leads the company to greatness. Having leaders who inspire, guide, and motivate employees is a fundamental key to that success. A great leader inspires loyalty by making each employee feel acknowledged and valued. They create workplace unity that draws employees in. Becoming a great leader, however, requires proactive development of both hard and soft skills. This can be a difficult process while simultaneously running a company or division. A transformational leadership coach can help to quickly develop these skills, no matter the environment. 
Even the most successful companies have setbacks. But the difference between companies that overcome setbacks versus those that remain stuck is almost always a leader who is willing to confront problems, take responsibility and learn from mistakes. Managers who are hesitant or afraid to act will only exacerbate problems. By solving issues quickly and decisively, leaders build trust with employees. Resolving problems and  gaining the trust of employees is what allows companies to continue to grow, especially in difficult times.
There  are many reasons why a transformational leadership coach is essential to your company. Virtually every manager wants to enhance their career by becoming a better leader, but many are uncertain about their leadership skills and the steps they need to take. Managers lacking leadership skills tend to use fear to motivate their employees, and create an environment where their employees feel disposable. Allowing managers to lead in this way results in people quitting and  an expensive employee churn rate. This reduces productivity while damaging your company’s brand. Regardless of what management issues your company faces, a transformational leadership coach can dramatically improve each individual manager’s ability to lead. A coach can transform a negative workplace culture into a positive one, improving morale and productivity. That is why leadership coaching is essential.

Who is a Transformational Leader?

We hope this explanation of the benefits of transformational leadership coaching helps you recognize the value that investing in leaders can bring to your company, and inspires you to investigate how this type of coaching can benefit your company.
Transformational leadership coaches instill pragmatic skills that motivate, and energize a workplace. Well- coached leaders are not only focused on the company’s goals, but also take responsibility for every member of their  team to ensure they grow as well.  Employees who are guided by a great leader learn by example how to become great leaders themselves.
A transformational leadership coach recognizes that a company’s greatest assets is its employees — and strives to make each one feel like they matter. Most importantly, a leader is there to serve their employees so they can succeed, not the other way around. In essence, nearly every aspect of the company is enhanced with great leadership. To get to that stage, current and future leaders need to learn and develop the skills that will enable them to earn the trust of employees who in turn willingly follow them. This is where transformational leadership can help.

Area of Focus for Transformational Leadership Coaching


Successful companies have a clear vision about their path to success. A transformational leader helps managers inspire their employees to embrace that vision and work hard to achieve it. Employees then become invested in achieving that success. When employees feel heard and appreciated, they become happier and more productive.  When leaders helps their employees achieve their individual goals as well.  This mutually beneficial relationship drives growth and success.


Bringing a wealth of experience, objectivity, and practical solutions, a transformational leadership coach can contribute to a  company’s future plans. Whether the plans involve restructuring to achieve greater efficiency or solving a critical leadership impasse, an experienced coach can bring both management experience  and proven leadership techniques to plot the right future course for a company.


A good leader spends time not only guiding their employees, but also listening to them. When employees’ opinions and concerns are acknowledged, they know the company genuinely cares about them. In addition, treating employees this with respect enhances not just their work performance, but also the quality of their home life as well. All these elements combine to create more loyal employees who tie their success to their company’s success. 

Communication, caring and commitment are the ways to achieve this paradigm shift. When managers listen to employees, and understand their concerns, the bond between the company and the employee is strengthened and the turnover rate drops dramatically. 



Growth is the goal of any business. To achieve growth, a company has to invest in its people. For employees to become leaders, a transformational leadership coach is a prudent investment. By helping your managers become leaders who motivate their employees, your company is now developing the next generation of successful leaders to take an enterprise into the future.

Coaching A Transformational Leader

People often ask whether a great leader is born or made.  Great leadership is a skill that can be developed, but is not necessarily instinctive. While people may have differing natural skills, great leadership requires the commitment and discipline to learn and apply proven skills that bring the best out of people.

Marc Robertson, a Transformational Leadership Coach, trains leaders to create cooperative work environments that enable their teams to excel— and Marc does this  with proven techniques that work in every industry. Clients  who work with Marc not only understand how to motivate employees, they learn how to act decisively in solving problems and take advantage of new opportunities. They create a healthy workspace where employees are happy , productive and look forward to coming to work.